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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


OMG I love the movie confessions of a shopaholic!  What girl doesn't like to shop?  I love love love to shop but I know my limit....  Do you know your limit?  Yes there are millions of shopaholics in the world but do you know the key to keep your sanity while you're going bananas buying clothes?  When you get paid; always pay yourself first.  Put something away in your savings account.  Next, take care of all your bills for that pay period.  Make sure you have money that can last you until you get paid the next time.  Finally, shop until you drop but don't forget to balance your checkbook so you won't have any overdrafts.  Be a smart shopper and try not to use credit cards while you are shopping b/c this may put you into debt.  If you have to use the credit cards then use them but think about the bill that is going to follow after you've made that purchase.  It's best to use cash or if you do use the credit card pay if off once the bill comes.  Don't try to keep up with the Joneses!  The Joneses is not for everybody and especially the ones that know they can't afford to keep up but do it anyway.  You should never put material things over your priorities; you might find yourself homeless or carless one day.  Whatever is out now and if you can't afford it so WHAT?  It'll be something out there that's better when you can afford to shop.  There are so many people out in the world that's in debt and don't have to be.  Make wise decisions moving forward.  Remember nobody wants to be with somebody that's broke. 

*put God 1st (peace, love, and soul)

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