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Monday, March 28, 2011


This is for the women that are in the process of becoming wives.  Just last year I was planning my wedding and it really is an overwhelming process.  People don't understand unless they have been in your shoes.  You go through so many emotions while you're planning and unexpected things will surface and you're like when will this be over with.  It's all worth it in the end you just gotta have some tough skin to push it to the finish line. 

When you are a bride-to-be you definitely need some alone time to gather YOUR THOUGHTS.  YES YOUR THOUGHTS!  Many people will have different opinions about the day that's the most important to YOU.  I'll say if you have an idea stick to it and don't let anyone change your mind.  Everybody style is different and they would want you to change it to something that fits their criteria.  NOPE!  Stick to what's best for you.  You're the one that's going to be looking at your wedding pictures for the rest of your life not them.  If your wedding doesn't come out the way they wanted it to; forget them. It's YOUR WEDDING!

The EMOTIONS!  I'll say this again NOBODY KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE GOING THROUGH!  When you say yes after he proposes; you just think of the pretty dress and just walking down the aisle.  You do not think about what comes with it.  Of course, we all watched Bridezillas but you never know until you're put in that situation.  It's an absolute roller coaster ride.  I completely understand why Bride-to-be's become Bridezillas.  You deal with a lot of baggage.  Cold feet is real!  You know that you want to be with this person but it's scary to know that it's for the rest of your life or if it's going to work especially when the divorce rates are extremely high nowadays.  Then you have other things that will pile on top of the cold feet; THE PLANNING!

Planning for your wedding has it's ups and downs and I'm pretty sure who's ever in the process of planning now understand what I'm talking about.  Like I stated before people will have their opinions; just stick with your idea and in the end you'll be happy.  You definitely can't make everyone happy but this day is for you and him so you should be happy.

Congratulations to all the bride-to-bees! <---- lol

*put God 1st (peace, love, and soul)