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Monday, March 21, 2011

A Woman's Worth

A woman should know her worth....  Know what you're worth and never settle for less...  As women we take on so many responsibilities that we don't realize when it's time to take a break....  We are wives, mothers, career-women, housekeepers all of the above...  We are always on duty even while we're sleeping... It can be overwhelming; being a woman is overwhelming NO DOUBT!

Why do we always want more?  Once we achieve one thing then we have to find something else of interest to achieve... STOP! Take a break! Go on vacation... RELAX! This is why we are overwhelmed and we don't take time for ourselves... Find your balance... Squeeze in that hair appointment, the mani and pedi, the mall trip, the weekend getaway... Do something for yourself... We try to please everyone but for once let someone please YOU!  If you have a significant other, they should recognize your worth and for once take over some of your responsibilites.. You deserve IT!!!!  Don't ever stop being goal setters/goal achievers, just take some time out for yourself...

Know your worth ladies and don't let anyone tell you any different... You know what u want and you know how much you can handle and you know when it's enough.....

*put God 1st (peace, love and soul)

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