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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Don't Lose Focus!

It's much easier for us to lose focus than to remain in a straight line.  If you're adamant about goals that you want to accomplish then don't lose focus.  Distractions are set up to hold us back especially if it's not headed in the directions of your goals.  There is always time to play but right now stay FOCUSED!  Don't ever give up because as long as you're on track you're winning.  If it's taking some time for you to start seeing results it's okay don't panic; victory is near. One day you will have a story to tell.  Always think positive.  Get rid of negative thoughts (distractions), it will hold you back. Learn how to relax.  Be patient.  Don't stress!  Everyday you put effort in reaching your goals; you're one step closer.  Good Luck!

*put God 1st (peace, love, and soul) 

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