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Monday, April 18, 2011

Express yourself!

You don't have to be quiet anymore... It's always good to express yourself... STOP HOLDING BACK! We were blessed with a hole in our faces; so use it but don't abuse it... Know when to turn it off... You know the saying if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything...  Well start standing and stand tall because you will not fall... If you keep holding it all in; it will eventually turn into negative energy and you might say or do something that you will regret... Don't wait until it's too late... You have a right to express yourself whether it's verbal or non verbal... If you have to write a letter than do it... Don't hold back!  Free yourself it will probably save your life or their life....  Many people die each year for holding back... If you need to ask for help ask and don't be afraid...

*put God 1st (love, peace, and soul)

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