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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Random Thought

I wish I could spread my wings and soar or dive into the deep blue ocean like a whale or better yet dance the night away BUT that would be the perfect world for me and life isn't perfect. LIFE?! That is the question. What is LIFE made of?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Til Death Do Us Part

Til Death Do Us Part Ummmmm! There's something about this statement that most married couples don't live by because the divorce rate is so high nowadays. It's so easy to give up and walk away but to stay and fight is the hardest but can be the most easiest thing to do if you both have patience. It's about patience and communication. Without the two there's nothing! You take a vow on your wedding day to be with your spouse until death do you part. Til death do you part! You will have disagreements about finances, kids, doing housework etc but there should be absolutely nothing that will come between your marriage to lead you to get a divorce unless your spouse commits adultery. When you marry the only person you should be attracted to is your spouse. You should marry your best friend. Going outside of your marriage is a big NO, NO!! If the shoe was on the other foot, would you want it done to you. Most people confuse lust and love. And Lust is not Love and Love is not Lust. What happens when your spouse finds out you've cheated? You're either going to get kicked out or leave because you've been embarrassed. Either way, you just loss your spouse and it's a possibility that you're headed for a divorce. Is it worth it? You know the grass isn't always greener on the other side. You've lusted and you're headed for destruction. Lust over your family.. When you marry someone that is good, you should always cherish and appreciate what you have because if you don't someone will and it will be too late to come back. You never know what you have until it's gone. Ladies and Gents everything that glitters aint gold! Put God 1st!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This year, this summer I entered motherhood. Oh what an awesome feeling! I gave birth to a baby girl named Zara Couture LaGrier. She was born on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 @ 4:33 pm weighing in at 5lbs 4ozs and height 17" long. When I laid eyes on her tears began to flow from my eyes. It was an amazing uplifting feeling although I was lying on a table with my stomach wide open. I couldn't believe that I've just become someone's mother. Becoming a mother is the best gift that God could give a woman despite all the aches/pains and sickness you endure while being pregnant. I'm definitely in love like never before.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


In life we all go through changes.  We change everyday whether if it's our hair, clothes, careers, friends etc we CHANGE, right?  I like to look at change as good even if the end result is not what you expected it to be. 

In order to change we have to take ownership and not allow our pride to get in the way. Most importantly we have to stop making excuses for our actions and just change.  Many of us struggle in life because we're afraid to change and let fear become the enemy.  If you want something then get it! Be a GO GETTER!!

Below are some examples and suggestions if you're struggling and want to change in regards to a relationship, career, hair and clothes...

#1 Relationship-  Arguing Couple
                          Change: Being a good listener can alleviate the arguing (Communication Is Key)

#2 Career- Working as a Telephone Operator and you'll rather be a Teacher
                  Change:  Volunteer at a school to see if this is what you want to do and if you're still interested
                                then enroll in college

#3 Hair- Long Hair
              Change: Cut it if you're tired of having long hair

#4 Clothes- If you don't like your style
                   Change: Buy new clothes

These are only examples and suggestions for you to understand my point of view about Change

Change can be good just take a chance and stop waiting for the right time because the time is now. Excuses will hold you back. When an opportunity arise then take and don't take advantage of it because you never know when you'll have another. 


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Inspired by Sade's Concert

Is it a CRIME that he gave me the KISS OF LIFE.  I'm a SOLDIER OF LOVE so I stand for what I want.  This ain't NO ORDINARY LOVE so you can't compete with what we have.  So your swords or guns can't pierce our souls because we have BULLET PROOF SOULS.  Two hearts at war with the world because they're against what we have.  Since we're inseparable maybe our love is as deep as the ocean; we can swim away like two MERMAIDS to find our hidden treasure and CHERISH THE DAY.

*This is for the TRUE Sade fans.....

*peace, love, and soul

Monday, April 18, 2011

Express yourself!

You don't have to be quiet anymore... It's always good to express yourself... STOP HOLDING BACK! We were blessed with a hole in our faces; so use it but don't abuse it... Know when to turn it off... You know the saying if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything...  Well start standing and stand tall because you will not fall... If you keep holding it all in; it will eventually turn into negative energy and you might say or do something that you will regret... Don't wait until it's too late... You have a right to express yourself whether it's verbal or non verbal... If you have to write a letter than do it... Don't hold back!  Free yourself it will probably save your life or their life....  Many people die each year for holding back... If you need to ask for help ask and don't be afraid...

*put God 1st (love, peace, and soul)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Don't Lose Focus!

It's much easier for us to lose focus than to remain in a straight line.  If you're adamant about goals that you want to accomplish then don't lose focus.  Distractions are set up to hold us back especially if it's not headed in the directions of your goals.  There is always time to play but right now stay FOCUSED!  Don't ever give up because as long as you're on track you're winning.  If it's taking some time for you to start seeing results it's okay don't panic; victory is near. One day you will have a story to tell.  Always think positive.  Get rid of negative thoughts (distractions), it will hold you back. Learn how to relax.  Be patient.  Don't stress!  Everyday you put effort in reaching your goals; you're one step closer.  Good Luck!

*put God 1st (peace, love, and soul)