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Friday, January 14, 2011

Taking time for yourself.

When is the right time to take some time out for ourselves?  Life is constantly moving at a rapid pace.  We're working, taking care of our families, making time for our friends but when are we going to make time for ourselves.  You're never going to be the perfect employee, wife, husband, friend, son, daughter, mother, father etc..... We all are imperfect so why not be adventurous at times? You never want to come to a place in your life when you just come to a complete halt and realize that some time has passed and you haven't experience NOTHING!  Take chances but the right chances.  Make the right choices in deciding what chance you want to take.  I don't recommend bungee jumping or jumping out of airplanes but to each his own.  Live LIFE don't let LIFE Live YOU!!!!  Life can be overwhelming so it's always good to have some FUN!!!!!!  Be CREATIVE!!!!!  Don't let the coins in your pocket deter you from your next move. Of course, we have to be wise about our finances, I wouldn't tell you not too.  But how long have you be saving for a trip and never gone on one.  HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO SAVE?  REALLY?!  Stop wasting time; life is short so ENJOY IT!!!!!  Take time for yourself; you might discover a new YOU! 

* put God first (peace, love, and soul)

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