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Friday, January 28, 2011


As you get older you begin to think wiser and act maturer.  Life starts to look different and as you progress things change; some for the good and some for the bad.  Each day should be taken slowly.  We should begin to recognize our mistakes and ask for forgiveness and remember to let go once you've made your request.  If we can't forgive ourselves how can we move on with life. We should learn how to forgive others.  At times, this can be difficult to do but it must be done.  If you can't learn how to forgive it will continue to bother you as time passes.  Set yourself free from unnecessary stresses.  Don't block your blessings by holding on to grudges.  Everyone make mistakes; it's life and we're all imperfect.  No one is greater or lesser, we all are created equal.  Don't be afraid to make the first step to apologize; even if you think you didn't do anything wrong it's okay to break the ice.  Sometimes people don't want an apologize or don't want your forgiveness but just know that you've tried and all you can do from that point is pray for that individual; move on with your life.  Remember that life is what you make it.  Just don't make it hard for yourself.

*put God first (peace, love, and soul)

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