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Tuesday, December 28, 2010



Hop Scotch……….

Double Dutch………..

Hide –n- Seek……….





and even board games were so much fun to do.  Dag, I wish I was a kid again.  But today the kids aren’t playing hop scotch (they’re drinking scotch), they’re not playing double dutch (they’re rolling dutches), they’re not spinning bottles (they’re popping bottles).  Oh and catch-a-girl-get-a-girl well that game never changed just the rules a little bit now they’re catching the girl and getting her pregnant.  Lack of supervision is what I call it but people are so quick to pass judgment on the kids when the kids aren’t at fault they only doing what they know.  People should blame the parents.  I say when the kids get in trouble with the law, lock the parents up and maybe they’ll stop going to the clubs and walking it out and popping their collars.  I’m so sick of these teenage mothers, these teenage murders, and these bloods and crips trying to take over putting fear in people when they only fear themselves, it just a color get over it.

Hop Scotch………..

Double Dutch………..




Spin-the Bottle………..

Catch-a-Girl-Get-a-Girl………and even board games were so much fun to do.

When I was a kid.

Copyrighted 08

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