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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dominant Woman

Dominant Woman

I am who I am.  I am who I am.
Am I suppose to change.
Yeah I’m the girl next door that grew up in the same hood you grew up in but
I’m also the same girl that made it out.
I was exposed to the same things you were exposed too but
I decided not to model what I saw
teenage sex, teenage pregnancy, drugs, and alcohol.
It seems like that was the thing to do back in the nineties
like a fresh pair of Nikes on the market and everyone had to get it but
once they got it they abused it and it never returned back to its
normal state.  But you can’t be mad at me because I had a mother
who told me to be in the house at 7 and in the bed at 8.  I was raised by
a Dominant Woman, so she passed the torch to me now its my turn to conquer
and to prevail in this world of hatred.  Hatred is like cancer.  It’s either malignant
or benign.  But we all know that it’s malignant because it won’t stop.  Ooh I’m so
vexed at the thought that you can manifest but you would rather digress and hate on
my progress.  But I’m not going to let you or anyone else interfere with my success because you’re mad that I can pronounce words like phenomenological field, modulation, fabrication, and education.  In lamest terms, phenomenological field is how you see the world, modulation is to change, fabrication is something that is made up, and education is to learn.  So you need to see the world for what it is, try to change, stop making excuses, and learn.  I am going to be who I am. 
A go-getter, a team player, and a Dominant Woman.

copyrighted 08


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